Additional Conditions


In order to access and use most of the features of our platform, you must register through our online registration form.

If information that you provide, or if we have a reasonable ground to believe that any information that you provide, is false, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or violates any applicable law, then we may refuse your application, suspend or terminate your account.


Profile pages may be created only by authorized persons of approved suppliers and customers. We do not review all created profiles, and we are not responsible for any content that may appear on users’ profile pages. If there is any dispute regarding users, profile pages and their content, then we shall have the sole right, but are not obligated, to resolve such dispute as we determine is appropriate in our sole discretion. Such resolution may include, without limitation, deleting or disabling access to profile pages, or deleting profile entirely at any time without notice. You are solely responsible for use of your profile pages, managing your account and your business activities with other users.

Content and Rights Ownership

Our website contains a variety of materials uploaded by other parties, including products’ information, files, images, scripts, designs, graphics, photographs, pictures and so on. 

All parties that submit a content to our platform should accept their responsibility for compliance to international copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property.

Any violation of mentioned above conditions may lead to immediate suspension or termination of your account without advance notice or our liabilities.

Product Images

According to our branding and copyright policy, the images of submitted products should contain all essential details of the products.

External Links

No external links in the product details allowed without additional explicit permission.

Content Usage

In order to use our website, you hereby grant us with a royalty-free right to use and display as applicable, submitted logos, trademarks, and other related materials.

You are solely responsible for the publishing and usage of such materials.

Our Exclusive Right

Without limitation, we may delete any content that comes to our attention that we believe is inappropriate, or to enforce the rights of third parties without limitation, regarding content restrictions.

Nevertheless, we have no obligations to monitor or enforce the intellectual property rights.

The administration of our website is not liable for user generated content.

User Obligation

Every time you submit any content, you represent and warrant that you are the owner of the intellectual property or you have a lawful right to submit such a content and without creating any obligations or liability of the administration of our website.

If you post a product or a company information, you warrant that your content about such product or company is accurate and not misleading.

You are obliged to provide additional information about your products according to customer’s requests.

This information may include a sufficient evidence that your product has been produced, packaged and supplied in accordance with established product safety legislations.

Do not submit any content that may be false, fraudulent or misleading and misrepresents your products or company.

Your submitted content must not have any viruses, spyware, or any other malicious codes that could impact the operation of our website or users’ computers.

If you submit a content that we believe violates these conditions, then we may take possible action that we assume is appropriate, in our sole discretion. Nevertheless, we are not obligated to take any steps that are not required by law. Therefore, we may just request a proof of the certain permissions referred to above. Failure to provide such proof may lead to removing such a content from our website and closing the user account.

Users Disputes

You are solely responsible for your interactions and trade activities with other users of our website in online or offline mode. Therefore, we may not be responsible or liable for the activities of any user. We reserve our right, but we have no obligations, to monitor or become involved in any disputes between you and other users.

However, if any disputes arise between users, please report to our support center, so that we could have a close look into the issue and perhaps suggest possible solutions.

If you discover any content that violates our terms and conditions, then please report to our support center.

User Restrictions

The administration of our website may close user account, remove all contend submitted by user, and restrict future access to our website at any time without warning if we believe that we have sufficient reasons to do so, without any compensations and liabilities.

Limited Liability

Our liability is limited by specified terms and conditions.

We cannot guarantee your business success or any desirable result by using our website and opportunities that it presents.

We should not be liable for any loss or damage to you or to any third party arising from using of our website.

You are solely responsible for your business activities and for the result it may or may not create.